
November 08, 2008

adik beradik....

kalau dah sepusat sepusing...seibu, sebapa of kos la kemungkinan besar muka mereka2 ini saaaamaaa.....heheheheh

Siblings, who are 50% similar genetically and grow up within the same family, nevertheless differ markedly in personality and psychopathology, and most of these sibling differences cannot be explained by genetic factors. These findings from the field of behavioral genetics imply that within-family processes that lead to sibling differences, called nonshared environment, are crucial for understanding environmental influences on individual development. (credit to :Wiley InterScience & kak kimie)

aku petik kata2 ni dari blog akak ni....tetiba rasa nak tulis gak entry ceni....kak kimie saya 'cilok' eh...jgn marah aaar.....


MariaFaizal said...

No prob dik...However PPG Tinie rupa ada strong resemblance between siblings (and combination Tinie & Hubby jelas pada rupa-paras your babies,amazing!).Characters each of the girl mcm mana?Anak2 akak berbeza characters(sorang diam, yg 1 lagi terlebih ramah)& if keluar selalu org x tau both of them siblings.Haih..

TiNiE said...

yeap...rupa paras diorg ada persamaan tapi each one of them different character...dan yg paling jelas all of them unpredictable..huhuhuhu..nasib..nasib

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