- Go to your photos folder in your computer.
- Go to the 6th folder of photos.
- Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
- Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
- Invite six friends to join the challenge.
- Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

gambar ni kat umah kak zaidah open house raya taun lepas. hampir semua ahli majlis n family ada lam ini gambo
errrmm...tag ni dtgnyer dari nak dara sorang nih. nama dia retna. rule kena tag another 6 friends of mine. nak tag sapa ek. aku tag jerla. layannn......
*Whoa* First name lagik...*chuckles*
Already copied/pasted in my draft. Once completed, I'd buzz u ,k?
Your pics, ol school style kumpul adik-beradik kan? Pesta jom heboh nih if kumpul sedara mcm nih :)
hehehe..yerla..kakkimie kan fulltime CEO kat umah...harus kena tag bnyk2..
takla kakkimie, tu kkwn opis. wat rombongan ala2 cik kiah gitu terjah satu persatu umah staf lain..hehhee
OIC..still meriah gitu :)
Dik, akak dah complete kan TAG adik tu, he he he
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