raya kedua pepagi aku n family dah siap nak balik kl..huhuhu...somi keje ari jumaat raya ketiga tuuu....najihah tak balik sekali..dia ikut kakak aku balik ngan achik esok nyer....so kami berlima beranak jerla merempit balik kl...keadaan jalanraya sgt laaaa ok...tapi ada gak jumpa satu eksiden....toyota wish tergolek tepi hi-way...terbabas sendirian....alhamdulillah kami selamat sampai ke destinasi...singgah kfc jalan universiti makan duluuuu....

gegambo sekitar pagi raya kedua...

gegambo di kfc jalan universiti...
fyi :- pc aku dah ok...tu sbb updet secara back to back ni...tapi takat ni jerla citer raya aku...sekian...dan kesian...huhuhu satu ari jer raya!!!
very cool.
thats amazing story.
yeah! its much better,
when will you go online?
very nice! hahahahaha
thats amazing story.
sure, why not!
well its nice to know that you have great hits here.
its good to know about it? where did you get that information?
im your favorite reader here!
very nice! hahahahaha
help me.
not bad.
help me.
help me.
sure, why not!
very nice! hahahahaha
wow, very special, i like it.
sure, why not!
wow, very special, i like it.
i think you add more info about it.
Alhamdulillah each of us safely arrived back & forth destinations.Effective nyer cik adik kita dah publish raya stories.Best nyer raya Tini & families.Awat hubby cuti sat sangat ? :)
kak kimie >> yess..alhamdulillah. effective apa nyer..balik keja jer pc plak kong...kira lambat gak updet citer raya...raya tini biasa jer, hubby dah amik cuti sblm raya, tu yg kena masuk keja friday tu...ok laa kot...
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