tetiba jenjalan kat umah2 org...ternampak la plak...aku kena tag!!!! kali ni dari suhana mutalib aka sone...jom nengok apa rules dia....
The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results (Gambar dekat first page jer tau..jgn ngelat2 amik page 2,3,4....), and post it as your answer...then tag 6 other blogger/reader/people....
The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results (Gambar dekat first page jer tau..jgn ngelat2 amik page 2,3,4....), and post it as your answer...then tag 6 other blogger/reader/people....
I'm (happy)

I really want to go to (shopping)
zassss... akan ku buat nanti yerh kak...
adoilaa tini oiii...ko tag akak..takde maknanya..tag yg kak noni kasik dulu pon akak tak buat lg dah ada 3 tag tak terbuat huk²..
nntlah tunggu akak rajin² baru bleh buat eh hehe..jgn mareee ;-)
mya >> yer yer
AQish >> takper, i don't mind..hihihi
ayoyoyoyo..ini satu penderaan namanya..huk huk
fazemy >> jgn ngelat...wat jerr...
Macam2 la geng hangpa ni?
Tapi Gua shooooook!!!!
ari nih dpt dua tag yg serupa..
aku cuba la kak..
aku mmng asek ngelat jer wat tag nih..
dj epoi >> layannn...
kakpiah >> sukatik ko ler...cuba dan cuba buat...tau!!
NNTI CHECK KAT BLOG org..baru nk bayar tag..hehehe
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